What do you need to create an ideal DIY manicure? You obviously need a high-quality nail polish, plenty of time, creativity and patience. If you have it all, then your nails will look perfect! However, depending on many factors, the lifetime of your mani can be shortened! The problem is that not everyone understands what it is exactly that spoils the manicure. In fact, nail polish will never last as long as it was promised by the lacquer’s manufacturer. I’m going to tell you about the 5 things that ruined my manicure, regardless of the beauty products I use.
Ruined My Manicure!
Frequent Contact with Water
If you wash your hands too often, don’t expect that you will wear your manicure for a long time! If you read a product review and found out that particular nail polish would stay at nails for 2 weeks, then you should anticipate that your mani will look perfect for about 7 days. Water ruins the nail polish coverage, so peeling appears early. If you work at the hospital as a nurse, or at the restaurant as a chef, then you contact with water cannot be eliminated. So you have only two options to choose: paint your nail more often or use top coat of the best quality.
Highly Intensive Sport Activity
If you visit gym twice a week or even less often, then you can skip reading this part. However, if you jog every morning, exercise in the swimming pool or do any kind of sport regularly, then you know that perfect mani turns to be spoiled very fast! Why does it happen? Because of your intensive sport activity, nail polish contacts with water and sweat, which affect the lacquer. Also nails are subjected to mechanical influences of varying severity, which have no positive effect on your manicure. You can read about best nail polishes for runners here.
A Lot of Work Around the House
If you are mother of three, and today you need to do some washing and cleaning, then your hands will contact not only with the water, but also with the caustic and abrasive cleaners! So, when you clean your oven and refrigerator, or wash the bath and the toilet, you not only spoil your manicure, but also harm your skin. It’s great that you like to make your house clean and shiny, but keep in mind that your beauty and health is more important than that. Try to choose cleaners, which are less harmful and skin-friendly, and also try to wear rubber glove, to abandon your contact with the dangerous liquids.
Bad Drinking Habits
Do you like to drink soda or beer from the cans? Do you consume it pretty often? Every time you open the container it scratches your manicure! In fact, you can damage nail lacquer coating in many ways while you cook or consume different type of products, so you should keep it in mind and open any kind of package very carefully.
Extreme Trips
If you like to spend your vacations in 5-stars hotels and spa salons, then nothing can spoil your manicure. However, if you like to travel to exotic countries, where you can practice your surfing skills, ride an elephant, or simply spend hours and hours under the scorching sun… then you should think twice before painting your nails. Even the most expensive lacquer will not last on your nails as long as it is promised. So if you are going to peal mango skin just with your hands, or build sand castles, then your mani will peel in quite quick. But sweet memories are more important, am I right?
It is obvious that no one will change a life style to make a mani last longer. However, there are few ways to improve the durability of your manicure.
Use Gel Lacquers
Do you still paint your nails with the ordinary lacquers and expect that your manicure will look perfect for a long time? If yes, then it’s time to change your preference. If you do at least one thing from my Top 5 list, then gel lacquers will change your world. They last much longer than ordinary nail polishes, while are still beautiful and trendy.
If you are newbie in this field, read about my best nail gel polish kits post.
High Quality Top Coats
Top coat is very important for any kind of manicure, so don’t skimp on it! A high quality top coat ensures the high level of protection from any kind of chemical and physical influences, thus you can prolong the life of your manicure. You can use a top coat, which is of the same brand as all your lacquers, or you can choose some other options. For example, Seche Vite Top Coat is extremely popular in the market, and if you try it, you will understand why it is great. I wrote a review about Seche Vite.
Simple Nail Designs
If you know that this week will be “hard” for your nails, because of an upcoming trip or another reason, then try to do a simple manicure. Don’t use any kind of rhinestones, glitter or stickers, because they will cling to any stuff around you and, in the end, your manicure will be destroyed.
The perfect manicure will never last forever, and if you have frequent contact with the water, chemicals, or any goods, which can scratch the nail polish covering, then chips and peeling will occur too soon. Reading the numerous product descriptions and customer reviews, which promise you to have super long lasting effect, you should never forget that they are not applicable to your real life conditions. If you want to protect your nails you should consider usage of gel lacquers and high quality top coats. At the same time you should avoid any kind of nail design, which make the nail surface uneven, because it makes your manicure more vulnerable to the damages.
Your beauty is in your hands, so let it shine bright!
5 things, which can spoil even perfect mani
What do youneed to create an ideal DIY manicure? You obviously need a high-quality nailpolish, plenty of time, creativity and patience. If you have it all, then yournails will look perfect! However, depending on many factors, life time of yourmani can be shortened! The problem is that not every girl understand that doingthis or that thing she spoils her manicure. In fact, nail polish will never lastas long as it was promised by the lacquer’s manufacturer. I’m going to tell youabout 5 things, which can spoil your mani irrespective of beauty products youuse.
№1 Frequent Contacts with Water
If you washyour hands too often, don’t expect that you will wear your manicure for a longtime! If you read a product review and found out that particular nail polishwould stay at nails for 2 weeks, then you should anticipate that your mani willlook perfect around 7 days. Water ruins the nail polish coverage, so peelingappears early. If you work at the hospital as a nurse, or at the restaurant asa chef, then you contact with water cannot be eliminated. So you have only twooptions to choose: paint your nail more often or use top coat of the bestquality.
№2 Highly Intensive Sport Activity
If youvisit gym twice a week or even less often, then you can skip reading this part.However, if you do jogging every morning, exercise in the swimming pool or doany kind of sport regularly, then you know that perfect mani turns to bespoiled very fast! Why it happens? Because of your intensive sport activity,nail polish contacts with water and sweat, which affect the lacquer. Also nailsare subjected to mechanical influences of varying severity, which have nopositive effect on your manicure. You can read about best nail polishes forrunners here https://www.brokemynail.com/best-nail-polish-for-runners/
№3 A Lot of Work Around the House
If you aremother of three, and today you need to do some washing and cleaning, then yourhands will contact not only with the water, but also with the caustic andabrasive cleaners! So, when
you cleanyour oven and refrigerator, or wash the bath and the toilet, you not only spoilyour manicure, but also harm your skin. It’s great that you like to make yourhouse clean and shiny, but keep in mind that your beauty and health is moreimportant than that. Try to choose cleaners, which are less harmful andskin-friendly, and also try to wear rubber glove, to abandon your contacts withthe dangerous liquids.
№4 Bad Drinking Habits
Do you liketo drink soda or bear from the cans? Do you consume it pretty often? Every timeyou open the container it scratches your manicure! In fact, you can damage naillacquer coating in many ways while you cook or consume different type ofproducts, so you should keep it in mind and open any kind of package verycarefully.
№5 Extreme Trips
If you liketo spend your vacations in 5-stars hotels and spa salons, then nothing canspoil your manicure. However, if you like to travel to exotic countries, whereyou can practice your surfing skills, ride an elephant, or simply spend hoursand hours under the scorching sun… then you should think twice before paintingyour nails. Even the most expensive lacquer will not last on your nails as longas it is promised. So if you are going to peal mangosteen just with your hands,or build sand castles, then your mani will peel in 2 days. But sweet memoriesare more important, am I right?
It isobvious that no one will change a life style to make mani last longer. However,there are few ways to improve durability of your manicure.
№1 Use Gel Lacquers
Do youstill paint your nails with the ordinary lacquers and expect that your manicurewill look perfectly for a long time? If yes, it’s time to change yourpreference. If you do at least one thing from my Top 5 list, then gel lacquerswill change your world. They last muchlonger than ordinary nail polishes, while are still beautiful and trendy.
If youare newbie in this field, read about the best nail gel polish kits here.https://www.brokemynail.com/best-gel-nail-polish-kit/
№2 High Quality Top Coats
Top coat isvery important for any kind of manicure, so don’t skimp on it! High quality topcoat ensures the high level of protection from any kind of chemical andphysical influences, thus you can prolong the life of your manicure. You canuse a top coat, which is of the same brand as all your lacquers, or you canchoose some other options. For example, SecheVite Top Coat is extremely popular in the market, and if you try it, youwill understand why it is great. To know more about the product click her
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e. https://www.brokemynail.com/seche-vite-top-coat-review/
№3 Simple Nail Design
If you knowthat this week will be “hard” for your nails, because of the upcoming trip orany other reasons, then try to make a simple manicure. Don’t use any kind ofrhinestones, glitter or stickers, because they will cling to any stuff aroundyou and, in the end, your manicure will be destroyed.
Perfectmanicure will never last forever, and if you have a frequent contact with thewater, chemicals, or any goods, which can scratch the nail polish covering,then chips and peeling will occur too soon. Reading the numerous product descriptions and customer reviews, whichpromise you to have super long lasting effect, you should never forget thatthey are not applicable to your real life conditions. If you want to protectyour nails you should consider usage of gel lacquers and high quality topcoats. At the same time you should avoid any kind of nail design, which makenail surface uneven, because it makes your manicure more vulnerable to thedamages.
Yourbeauty is in your hands, so let it shine bright!